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Working at Gendered Intelligence

Find out more about our team, benefits and culture

The Gendered Intelligence Team 

Gendered Intelligence is structured into four departments: 

  • Professional and Educational Services (PES) Work with professionals and organisations to develop trans inclusivity in workplaces and services 
  • Youth and Communities Services (YCS) Services and projects that work with young trans people and trans adults - including non binary, gender diverse and gender questioning people - to support well-being and enable our community to thrive 
  • Public Engagement (PEng) Work with public policy and decision makers, the media, researchers and academics as well as the general public and major institutions to raise awareness  
  • Central Support Services (CSS) All internal support functions such as finance, HR, office management and IT 

General Information 

  • Annual leave. You will be entitled to 28 days per annum, plus 8 days Bank Holiday. Our leave year runs from 1st January to 31st December. 
  • Location. The GI office is in Bethnal Green. Currently most staff are home-based but coming into the office or other shared working spaces on a regular basis. We are open to discussions about flexible working practices. 
  • Hours of work. GI’s working week is 35 hours; our offices are open from 9am – 6pm.  
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. We support caucuses for staff members who experience multiple forms of marginalisation; these are: transfeminine, disability and race & ethnicity. These are spaces where those affected can benefit from peer solidarity and support, as well as contribute to the EDI Action Plan and support organisational improvements. All of this is in place so that you can do the best job possible and thrive in your life outside of work. 


  • Training and Development. GI aspires to be a learning organisation that supports its staff to improve their skills and knowledge. This may be through informal means such as mentoring or work shadowing, or more formal training courses. You will be invited to reflect on your own training needs in discussion with your line manager, initially as part of your settling-in period and then ongoing through the regular supervision and annual appraisal process. 
  • Salary scale. GI uses a salary scale which is based on the NJC scale used by a range of employers across the UK. Annual inflationary increases will be based on NJC negotiated increases with effect from April each year. There is no automatic annual increase of spinal point. 
  • Pension. GI is part of the NEST pension scheme, by which employees contribute a minimum of 4% of their salary and employers 4%. You will be automatically enrolled in this scheme once you start work, but may opt out if you choose.  
  • Support for staff. At GI we pride ourselves on the wide range of support staff receive to do their role. We understand that our work can have a strong emotional and personal element to it. Each staff member receives consistent and concentrated time with line managers, and front line delivery staff also have dedicated planning, preparation and wind down time with peers/teams. We understand the various demands on trans workers and have a certain amount of flexibility to accommodate any disadvantages you may experience in the world due to transphobia. 

Diversity & Inclusion 

Gendered Intelligence aims to create a positive working environment for all staff, and is working towards a more diverse workforce who are supported effectively to deliver their roles. We are committed to meaningfully improving our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). This work is coordinated by the EDI Participatory Platform, which includes representation from all Departments/Bands, and colleagues with different identities and lived experiences; this work is valued by GI and participation forms part of colleagues paid hours. Through our annually updated EDI Action Plan we are actively engaged in a programme of organisational development, reviewing policies, practices and working culture in order to improve our environment and enable colleagues to work effectively and supportively together.  We are actively seeking to bring people with different lived experiences, diverse backgrounds, abilities and gender identities into the organisation, to create a workplace that is welcoming for all.  

As part of our commitment to increasing diversity, we will ask all applicants to complete a Diversity Monitoring Form: this is not mandatory, but we hope you will complete if you apply for a role with us.