Reflective spaces for therapy practitioners
Gendered Intelligence currently runs three different online facilitated reflective spaces for therapists and counsellors.
These are:
Reflective space for trans & non-binary therapy practitioners
Reflective space for queer / LGBTQIAP+ therapy practitioners
Open reflective space for practitioners working with trans, non-binary and gender expansive folk (who have previously attended a GI training)
Please click on the links above for further details, dates and Eventbrite booking links. Email with any queries.
Fees per session are:
£30.00 standard ticket
£15.00 reduced fee, if you're on a low income
All ticket fees are inclusive of VAT.
Each course will be a small group, around 4-10 people at each session.
Rahil Virik (they/them)
Rahil is a Senior Trainer at Gendered Intelligence, alongside working for Spectra as Therapy Services Manager and holding a small private practice. Having begun their transition in 2015 as part of their journey to live as their authentic self, they recognise the struggle of existing in between a multitude of identities. They bring this passion into developing support for and within the LGBTQ+ and POC communities. Rahil co-delivers GI’s two day specialist training for therapists and counsellors, Working Alongside Trans, Gender Diverse and Questioning People.
Billy Urquhart (they/them)
Billy is a Trainer at Gendered Intelligence, based in Glasgow. They are also a person Centered Therapist with additional training in Narrative Therapy and Somatic Trauma Therapy. They have been working as a counsellor and group worker at LGBT Health and Wellbeing in Glasgow and at Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre, where they developed and delivered an LGBTQ+ survivors' support service. As a trainer, they have delivered training to therapists, charity workers and statutory organisations including social work, COPFS, NHS and GBV support services.